Omadisa Industrias del Laboratorio, s.a.


A company at the exclusive service of the laboratory

Our company is organized by product divisions, managed by qualified experts and specialists who will personally advise you and implement the most appropriate and necessary solutions, optimizing the operation of the laboratory. 

Integral Service

Omadisa, through its DPIO division, provides a comprehensive service, with all kinds of solutions to meet the needs of the project of a "new laboratory", the adaptation or reform of an existing one, adapting it to the specific requirements, and updating it with the most advanced techniques.

Projects and Installations

We carry out your laboratory project, advise on environmental and safety regulations. We carry out the supply and assembly of furniture, installation services and engineering. Our projects are drafted collegially by a team of experts in laboratory design and equipment.


We distribute the most prestigious brands with the greatest guarantee in the national market. The "Standards and Testing" division develops and produces equipment for quality control and testing of construction materials, civil works, and petroleum products. The technical assistance service is guaranteed in all cases by the brands themselves, or by the service Omadisa technician.

Technical Assistance

First company officially classified by the J.G.C.A. Gr.O-P-Q, Subgr.1,2,4 - Cat.D, for "Maintenance of laboratory equipment and facilities".
- Specific tailor-made contracts.
- Verification protocols.
- Emergency technical assistance.

Our company

Omadisa, the laboratory industry.

Omadisa, a company created in 1985, has an organization specialized in global solutions within the laboratory field, coexisting with the growing regulatory regulation for the development of laboratory facilities and equipment projects due to the growing concern for health and safety. environment.

In these years of experience we have designed, installed and equipped laboratories for all fields of science and industrial sectors: Research, universities, pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, quality control, agri-food, environment, industry in general and mobile laboratories.


Years of experience

personal industria del laboratorio
industria del laboratorio